2024 Conference Handouts and Presentations
Workshop A: Cultivating Compassion Resilience: Surviving Protective Services (Donna Creager, Temple University, Harrisburg campus)
Workshop B: Person Centered Care - The Importance of Advance Planning (Morgan Whittaker, Department of Veteran's Affairs, Hunter Holmes McGuire Medical Center)
Workshop C: APS and Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Working Together (Carol Driskill, Advocate, disAbility Law Center of Virginia; Linda J. Hamrick, Medicaid Managed Care Advocate Manager, Department for the Aging and Rehabilitative Services; Laurie Hunter, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Senior Connections, the Capital Area Agency on Aging; and Cindy Smith, Family Services Specialist, Adult Protective Services, Wise County Department of Social Services)
Workshop D: Introducing Virginia’s Safety Connector! An Online Tool for Linking Systems of Care (Sarah Marrs, Ph.D., Virginia Center on Aging)
Workshop E: Walking Through the Door of Self: Creating an Anti-Ageist World Starting with Ourselves (Jenny Inker, Virginia Commonwealth University)
Workshop F: Elder Abuse and Financial Fraud (Emily Fertita and Shanon Newcomb, Special Agents, Federal Bureau of Investigation) Per agency policy, this presentation cannot be shared online.
Workshop G: Caregiving for Someone Living with Dementia: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities (Sydney Palinkas, RAFT Dementia Support Program)
Workshop H: Implicit Bias and Older Adults (Chante Brooks, Adult Protective Services Training Consultants)
Workshop I: Elder Abuse MDT's: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (Stephanie Edwards, Peninsula Elder Abuse Forensic Center & Alison Martin, Henrico County Commonwealth Attorney's Office)
Workshop J: Crossroads: At the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Financial Abuse A Tale of Two Fraudsters (Alison Martin, Henrico County Commonwealth Attorney's Office)
Workshop K: Hoarding, a Quiet Epidemic (Emmanuelle Bunn and Cathy Dickey, Family Services Specialists, and Sarah Delgado, APS Supervisor, Norfolk Department of Human Services)
Workshop L: Your Identity-Stay Connected (AARP) Per agency policy, this presentation cannot be shared online.
Workshop M: Protecting SNAP and EBT Cards from Skims and Scams (Bonnie Lansing, Suffolk Dept of Human Services and Wanda Redd, Danville Dept. of Social Services)
Workshop N: The Effects of Social Isolation and Effective Interventions for Older Adults (Morgan Maler, Social Connection) - Additional Handout
Workshop O: Human Rights of Elder Migrants. Challenges and Responses for Service Providers (Juan Carlos Mejia, Center for Demography and Human Rights, LLC)
Closing Session: Building Caregiver Resilience: A Framework for Care (Aaron Blight, Ed.D.)